Docker News And Tips All Around The Web


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Build And Deploy Hybrid Applications In Azure Using Docker...

Is your organization asking you to modernize a traditional app that uses old code to make it simpler to deploy and more scalable based on customer demand - what to do?

Docker Reference Architecture: Development Pipeline Best...

Introduction What You Will Learn Development Pipeline Overview General Organization General Workflow UCP Clusters DTR Clusters Developer Workflow Developer Environment and Tools IDE Docker...

Multi-Stage Builds - Docker Blog

This is part of a series of articles describing how the AtSea Shop application was built using enterprise development tools and Docker. In the previous post, I introduced the AtSea...

Docker on Medium

Introducing Distributed Cheese: Traefik 1.1 Camembert Is Out!

After 4 months of development, we are proud to announce the second release of Traefik: version 1.1.0, codename . The full changelog is quite huge but here are some new features we want to...

The What, Why and Wow! Behind the CoreOS Container Linux

By. Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols Latest Linux distro automatically updates kernel software and gives full configuration control across clusters. The usual debate over server Linux...

Edgemesh's "Clean Slate" Protocol: - edgemesh

Blowing up data centers ... it's ok it's by design In the old way of doing things, we treat our servers like pets, for example Bob the mail server. If Bob goes down, it's all hands on deck....

Use minio as docker registry storage driver - Riccardo Scasseddu...

Among all the various ways of saving files, Amazon s3 service has defined a standard, a lot of services and software supports natively using it as "Object block storage" (that is just a...

Tips and Tricks

Docker for Windows, Linux, and Mac - via @codeship

Released earlier in 2017, Docker's new native applications for Windows and Mac replaced the older methods for running Docker on Windows and Mac and created a better experience for...

Managing Secrets in Docker Swarm

Read this tutorial to learn how to use Docker Secrets, a native feature in Docker Swarm mode, to protect your containerized application cluster from threats.

8 surprising facts about real Docker adoption

This is an impressive fact: 18 months ago Docker had about 2 percent market share, and now it's running on 10 percent of the hosts we monitor. However, the graph below illustrates two other...

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